Viva Naturals Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Size: 16 Ounce


What Makes Viva Naturals Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil So Superior?

The Best Taste: Viva Naturals traveled the world in order to find the best-tasting coconuts. After hundred of hours, Viva discovered that the most delicious coconuts are grown in the fertile soils of the Philippines. With each jar of oil, you’ll taste the rich, silky smooth texture that is derived from these “cream of the crop” coconuts.

Grown in a Pristine Natural Environment: Viva farms are miles away from the nearest city and situated with among wide nature preserve. This means there’s virtually no pollution or pesticide runoff.

Specialized Extraction: Viva Naturals cold presses each coconut within a few hours of being harvested using our proprietary extraction method. Rather than storing the coconuts in a warehouse for weeks or even months, the quick turnover crystallizes nearly all of the MCTs and antioxidants in the oil.

  • Purest Form Preserves Nutrients – Each jar is unrefined, organic, and cold-pressed in order to preserve MCTs, silky texture, and pleasant tropical aroma of the coconut.
  • Rejuvenates and Moisturizes Skin and Hair – Your skin will glow as our cold-pressed oil penetrates and softens the surface and in the layers below. The MCTs in our oil nourish and strengthen your hair, leaving it shiny and healthy.
  • Packed With MCTs for Weight Management – The MCTs in coconut oil help your body burn up adipose (fatty) tissue by increasing the efficiency of your metabolism. Each serving of our coconut oil is bursting with these powerful, weight-fighting compounds.
  • Natural Fungus Fighter – The properties of coconut oil help fight candida and yeast, promoting skin and digestion support. You’ll have a happy gut in no time!


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