Grass Fed Organic Ghee Clarified Butter From Grass-fed Cows Paleo Ayurvedic Gluten-Free NON-GMO by Purity Ghee

Contains naturally occurring butyric acid & Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). Made from organic unsalted butter with nothing else added for the purest quality possible. Sold in GLASS jars that are 100% free of BPA and toxic leaching chemicals.


Grass Fed Organic Ghee Clarified Butter From Grass-fed Cows Paleo Ayurvedic Gluten-Free NON-GMO – Made in USA (Glass Jar)

by Purity Ghee
  • UNPARALLELED QUALITY – Recommended by doctors, nutritionists, naturopaths, chiropractors, and Ayurvedic professionals. Rich in Vitamins (A, E & K) and Phenolic Antioxidants
  • MADE IN USA – Made from non-homogenized organic milk sourced from sustainable American family farms. Excellent source of MCT for balanced health. This ghee is NOT imported from India.
  • SATISFACTION GUARANTEED – When you order today, your Ghee is shipped quickly and backed by the Amazon A-Z Guarantee. Our only goal is your 100% satisfaction and we honor it with a no questions asked money back guarantee. Buy with 100% confidence.
  • rBGH AND rBST HORMONE FREE – Made with organic butter from grass-fed and pasture raised cows, grazing on certified organic grass fields. Free of antibiotics & growth hormones, which produces a pure ghee.This is healthy for you, so eat good fat! Our ghee is good tasting and good for you. An unparalleled gourmet taste. Also known as paleo butter. Perfect for Bulletproof Coffee and Paleo diets!
  • ARTISANAL PROCESS – Like other brands of ghee, this grass fed organic ghee is made in small batches using a ghee pot, or ghee container, cooked over a low flame over several hours. The taste is truly incredible! Note: this is not a cultured ghee. Use in cooking, sauteing, baking, and smoothies. Goes great with coconut aminos and/or coconut oil.



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